It’s truly an honor to partner with and serve each one of my clients and their families. I am passionate about what I do and it’s important to me to honor and respect each relationship—every step of the way.
- Mary Taylor Doucet

Client Testimonials

  • “I was concerned about my wife and her continuing need for physical therapy after a hospital and rehabilitation stay. When she returned to her assisted living community their assessment said my wife did not qualify for continuing Medicare therapy. I called Mary and she appealed the process for me. We had a second assessment several days later and Kaye is now doing well in her 3 times a week therapy paid through Medicare.”

    Chuck L., Austin, TX

  • “Mary has been a Godsend to our family. I was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and wanted to ensure my plan was in place for the time when my two adult children would need to take over for me in decision-making. Mary made the process so simple, and worked with me to identify a variety of information that my children would need to help me as I age. We are so grateful for her love and support.”

    Dot B., Sugarland, TX

  • “Mom had a terrible experience with a surgery that resulted in her having to reside in a rehab hospital until she could live independently at her own home again. This required several weeks of skilled nursing, then months of assisted living and finally, mom was brought home. Mary oversaw all the details and worked with each medical/senior community to help mom meet her goals of returning home. I don’t know how we would have done this without her knowledge, strength and compassion.”

    Brenda M., Austin, TX


Anne was worried about outliving her money and not providing an inheritance to her family. One of her close friends asked us to help evaluate her needs. During the discussion and review of Anne’s documents, a $3,200 annual payment to John Hancock was uncovered. When asked if she had a long-term care insurance policy Anne said yes, but could not locate the policy. We were on the phone that day with John Hancock requesting a copy of the LTC policy.

Fast forward 6 months and Anne is now fully utilizing the care benefits of her policy. Her financial planner is delighted, as her spending has gone from 9% of assets down to 3%. Most importantly, Anne has more care and increased disposable income to do the things that increase her vitality.


Sue’s daughter had called us because she was unable to talk with her mom about her wishes as she aged. We could talk to her mother without any emotional charge, organize her vital documents, and work with her on important decisions such as funeral wishes, medical directives, and health care options.

We uncovered that Sue’s mom had a great long-term care policy and was quite clear how she desires to live her golden years. Sue feels comforted knowing her mom’s vital information is organized and in place and that when the time comes to start her mom’s long-term care, we will be there to help.

Advisory Testimonials

  • “When Mary was helping my client organize her vital information, she uncovered the long-term care insurance we suggested Anne purchase 17 years ago. Anne had forgotten about the policy until Mary uncovered the annual premium. After Mary initiated the policy, my client went from spending 9% of assets down to just under 3%. The most significant gain is that Anne now has more support and increased disposable income to do the things that increase her vitality. We highly recommend Mary for her business acumen, professionalism, and integrity.”

    Scott N., Austin, TX

  • “Mary has helped several of my clients and all to great results. Whether a client has a simple need like help with selecting a senior community to live in or developing a plan that can be used by the family in the future, Mary is consistent in her effectiveness at reducing stress and improving options for my client. I was so impressed with how she supports clients that I asked her to help my own mother.”

    Tim C., Austin, TX


When we first met Anita (82) and Jim (85), they were going through some physically challenging times. Anita had become depressed realizing how little she knew about managing the financial side of their household. Jim had been in the hospital and rehabilitation following a back surgery and not available to take care of these matters, as he had for the prior 61 years of their marriage.

We worked with them to develop a strategic plan that identified important documents, where those documents were located, and who to contact for specific actions. We then put together an aging-in-place plan that allowed Anita to have peace of mind because she now has a resource list for the future.


Jan, now 86, has been a client for years and has developed strong protection for her estate and utilizes a valuable long-term care policy to protect her assets. These days we work with her to simply do more of what she enjoys in life. We helped her put together a talk by a local author who had written a book that had a tremendous effect on Jan. Six weeks after we contacted the author to speak at a meeting, Jan and her friends had gathered 80 people at their downtown cathedral to hear the author speak. Jan introduced the speaker and when asked about her putting this speaker project together said, “It was one of the best days of my life”.